Good planning is essential!

Planning your move can quickly become a journey of the fighter. Since it is not obvious to have everything in mind when preparing a move, Déménager Ailleurs offers you the "planning before departure" tool. With this tool, you can control every detail of your move and optimize its preparation.

This pre-departure planning allows you not to be disarmed in the face of unexpected events and to reduce the setbacks.

Good preparation

Make a reservation with a carefully selected mover. This mover must be professional and have all the authorizations required to work in this industry. In this context, know that Déménager Ailleurs has all the permits required by the Commission des Transports du Québec.

6 weeks before your move, make an inventory of everything you need to move and write it down. Check in the list the things that require special attention: glassware, antique objects, and any other fragile or precious object.

If repairs are required in your home, it is the best time to do them

Plan your move with our experts

Proceed with the final arrangements and negotiations with your Déménager Ailleurs advisor. If you need to make changes to the moving schedule or if you have any special requests, it's time to tell them.

Begin packaging the items, if you do the packing yourself.

4 weeks before you move, you must proceed with the information phase. Share your change of address with your telephone company, Internet provider, insurance company, gas company and electricity company. Also inform your bank and doctor about your move. By taking it well in advance, you avoid having to wait weeks before moving your subscriptions.


Also ask your bank to move your bank account to the branch nearest of your new address.

Also, be sure to notify your local government and municipalities of your change of address. In this context, the Quebec service of online change of address can greatly facilitate you the task.

Get ahead

You can start transferring large sized objects.

This is also the time to activate utility services in your new home or office. In the same way, ask to stop the services provided at your current address.

The week before you move, things get faster. This is the time to refine the last details.

Think about the things that your mover will not carry. Think of preparing a suitcase containing clothes and toiletries as if everything is packed in cartons, the morning shower and the brushing of teeth will be difficult. If everything you need during the first few days does not fit into this suitcase, prepare a dedicated box that you will label in big: "NOT TO MOVE"

Prepare your belongings

On the day of the move, wake up to the dawn. All your cartons must be ready and the furniture disassembled, ready to be moved. All you have to do is clear the corridors, stairs and other places of passage for the arrival of the movers. When they are on the scene, do not fail to inform them of any special instructions, especially with regard to fragile objects.

Before the truck starts to transport your goods to your new address, make sure all cartons have been loaded. Then confirm with the driver that he knows the destination address.

Then proceed with a proper cleaning of your future ex-housing.


Do not leave the premises until you have read the meters (water, gas, electricity). This is also valid in your new home (or new office). It is also essential to make a tour of the premises with the owner, for a final inspection.

Plan your move? It's easy with Déménager Ailleurs. Our motto: "Nothing serves to rush you, you must take time to prepare".

If you would like more information, call us for an advisor to do an assessment of your needs.